Prelude to Act Three

If the news did not make its way through the grapevine to you yet, please know that I have decided to retire from Northern Valley on June 30, 2013.

In my letter to Dr. Nagy yesterday I said:

I value my primary, secondary, undergraduate, and graduate education as Act One of my life. Northern Valley has provided Act Two. It is now time for me to move on to Act Three.

I will retire from Northern Valley as of June 30, 2013. It has been an honor and privilege to serve as the Director of Instrumental Music at Northern Valley-Old Tappan for the past 31 years. The experiences have filled my life with exceptional professional and personal experiences. For this, and more, I am grateful.

There are many opportunities awaiting me. For the past five years, I have served as the Conductor/Music Director for the Westchester Symphonic Winds, an ensemble for which I care deeply. My primary objective for next year is to improve the quality of the work I do with them. I am also interested in pursuing more guest conducting opportunities, and plan to investigate adjunct teaching opportunities in Westchester County. I am also interested in writing and self-publishing a book. The beach house at Fire Island and roller coasters will also figure significantly into my plans for the coming years!

I have special plans for both the Prism XXII and Awards Concerts. I will be sharing them with you as the spring proceeds.

Thank you — everyone — for your love and kind support over these 31 years. I am deeply indebted.